Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Talk about falling off the wagon...I have fallen off completely and broke a few things in the process.  First of all it has been, how many?  7 months since I have updated this blog which was supposed to be my therapy and self healing.  Needless to say, I need a lot of work...and to do a lot of work.

I am rededicating myself to make more time for myself.  Hopefull this blog will be the physical manifestation of me taking time out for the most important things in my life.  Myself. My Family and My God.  Stay tuned for a vomit fest of what I have been up to the last 7 months.

Monday, February 28, 2011

At Least My Colon is Clean

Well,  I finished the cleanse one week ago Saturday.  Let's just say the honeymoon is over.  On the last day of the cleanse...David and I woke up at 6am to finish the last two shots of crazy homeopathic laxative that kept us running to the toilet all night.  We also drank 3/4 cup grapefruit juice mixed with 1/2 cup olive oil.  DISGUSTING!  This was to bring out the liver and gall bladder stones for our final session of hydrotherapy.  I had about 20 - 25 stones come out and a couple of them were the size of a kidney bean.  I was told that I needed to go back for another stone removal in 3 months.  I don't think that is going to happen.  I was on cloud nine because my weight was down 29.6#.  I was able to wear the jeans that have been hanging in my closet for two years.

Saturday and Sunday we were on a pretty limited diet of Pineapple/Apple salad with cottage cheese/flax oil mix and lightly cooked vegetables.  After Sunday I was ready to branch out and have some soup, salad and fruit smoothies.  I decided I would give the vegetarian thing a try since meat sounded pretty gross to me.  Besides I had a squeaky clean colon and I didn't want to muck it up.  Well, you have to remember that the only thing I had been eating for 1 month was juice...veggie or apple and I should have remembered that my body was basically starving.

Long story short...It is one week and two days since I have finished the cleanse and I have gained back 12 pounds eating an 70% raw vegetable vegetarian diet.  I don't know how that is possible, I guess my metabolism was virtually non existent.  Now I need to focus on exercise.  Even though I have gained almost half the weight back, I still feel amazing.  My biggest obstacle is food planning and preparation and exercising.  So today, Monday Feb 28th 2011 is the first day of the rest of my life eating healthy and exercising regularly.  I am still enrolled at weight watchers online and that is really helping me track what I eat.  I get on the scale every morning so I can be accountable everyday to prevent any backslides.  Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Can Do Anything for 3 Weeks

These are my famous last words...I am 2 days into my FOURTH week on this blasted cleanse.  I miss eating food so much.  The only positive thing from the experience is the weight loss.  I am down 24 pounds.  6 days ago I started the apple juice cleanse to bring down stones from the gall bladder, pancreas and liver, if any.  Along with 1 cup of apple juice 3 times a day, I also need to take 1 Tbsp Olive Oil and 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice.  I am allowed 1 serving of the veggie juice if I need it for energy.  My energy has been extremely low but the thought of drinking that vegetable juice again makes me cringe. 

Saturday and Sunday were my third full weekend on the cleanse and so far the most challenging.  I also got a mega migraine headache on Saturday that was almost more than I could bare.  Remember that I am not able to take any synthetic pain relievers or caffine.  In the past I would grab 2 excedrine migraine and a 32 oz coke and take a 6 hour nap.  This time all I had was my ice bag and my dark room.  I survived!

David is a trooper and is doing so well on his cleanse.  He is also down 24 pounds and it really shows on him.  He will definitely need to go shopping for some new shirts and slacks.  I hope my kids aren't suffering and are excited about all the healthy changes that David and I are making.  I think this experience will benefit the entire family. 

I will let you know the progress and hopefully my next post will be full of stories of delicious salads and smoothies.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We are Half Way There

The juice cleanse detox is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, including child birth.  Today is day 11, eleven days to go, I HOPE!  My therapist has been known to extend the program on certain individuals and with my luck it will be me.  I will give all the details of the last 11 days but I first want to tell you what a wonderful husband I have...he is two days behind me in this crazy detox.  It is so nice to have his support.

Day One : Excited to experience the life changing results from this program. Glucose = 100 (prediabetic)
Colon Hydrotherapy
Recipe for my Organic Veggie Juice Cocktail plus instructed to drink 4 qts of water a day.  That is 1 gallon!
(all organically grown)
3 Carrots
Quarter Cucumber
Celery Stalk
Half Chard
Half Kale
Quarter Beet
Handful Cilantro
1" Ginger Root
Slice Black Raddish
Broccoli Crown

Day Two : Biggest headache of my life but did not take any meds to relieve the pain.  I am trying to detox, right?  Juice is disgusting.  Why am I doing this..oh yeah, overweight, addicted to sugar and prediabetic.

Day Three : Headache gone...thank goodness!  I miss eating food more than I thought I would.  Three weeks seems like a long time.
Lost 2 pounds
Colon Hydrotherapy
Homeopathic Supplements:Heart Small Intestine, Gum Therapy & Chlorella tablets.

Day Four : Still no headache and heartburn is completely gone.  Surprised how good I feel only having 1 cup of juiced vegetables and water.

Day Five : Feeling pretty good.  A little tired and run down until I drink my juice.
Lost 3 pounds
Colon Hydrotherapy
More Homeopathic Supplements : Chemtox, Bladder/Kidney Meridian

Day Six & Seven (THE WEEKEND)  Oh man, the weekend was HARD!  I can't believe how much food revolved around my weekend.  David had just as hard a time but we stayed strong.  I did try a lemon/cayenne concoction for my water that was pretty good.  I was amazed.

Day Eight : Started week two and feeling pretty good.  I still miss food but I am not craving anything.  The juice gives me all the nutrition I need.  My energy level is still pretty low.  I need to exercize.
Glucose = 76 (Yeehaw!)
Lost 4 pounds
Colon Hydrotherapy
Homeopathic Supplements : Gall Bladder/Liver BioAstin for Energy and Electrolytes for water.

Day Nine :   My energy is coming back but some food cravings are back also.  I really wanted some of the cauliflower/cheese soup we made for the kids last night.  Instead I had my juice. My skin feels & looks amazing.  My hair too!

Day Ten :  Today was my dads 79th birthday. Energy is back.  Got a wild hair and cleaned out my spice cabinet.  Boy, there were some OLD spices in there and some other things I didn't recognize.  My family went to the Olive Garden for dinner.  REALLY HARD! but atleast I didn't go and torture myself drinking herbal tea.
Lost 2 pounds
Colon Hydrotherapy
Homeopathic Supplements : Candida 200C , Minerals

Day Eleven : Half way through HALLELUJAH! I did 15 minutes of Wii Fit.

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Beautiful Family

I still can't believe I have 5 children.  The first time I saw a photo with all seven of us I was in amazed that they were really all finally here.  I knew our family was complete.  David and I both turned 40 in 2010, which was a little daunting.  We both did some soul searching and asked ourselves what we had accomplished so far and what we still wanted to achieve.  Dave and I both decided that 2011 was the year to get healthy and with the help and support of a great brother we decided to take on a HUGE challenge.  We started a 21 day body detox program that consists of freshly juiced vegetables, homeopathic supplements and colon hydrotherapy.  The next few posts will be updates on our progress.  Wish me luck!  I am going to need it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today is the first day of the rest of my Life

I started this new blog to cover all aspects of my life. My kids (buns from my oven), my hobby (cooking buns in my actual oven) & my body (one big bun that I am trying to make smaller). Thoughts about my husband and my spiritual beliefs will also be shared.